Networking Basics Terminologies
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Networking Basics Terminologies

Hi everyone! Here we are going to learn some basics terminologies with help of real-world analogy.  Related Video: Networking Terminologies End Devices | End Systems | HostEnd Devices | End Systems | Host Click here to see the same video on Rumble instead Click here to see the same video on VK instead Click…

Kryptosystem eller Chieffer
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Kryptosystem eller Chieffer

Hejsan! Här kommer du lära dig grundläggande beskrivning om vad följand kryptosystem eller chieffer är: symmetrisk krypto, asymmetrisk krypto, blockkrypto, flödeskrypto och hybridsystem.  Relaterade Video: Kryptosystem Kryptosystem Klick här för att se samma video på Rumble istället Klick här för att se samma video på VK istället Klick här för att se samma video på…

Grundläggande Begrepp inom kryptologi
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Grundläggande Begrepp inom kryptologi

Hejsan! Här kommer ni lära om följande grundläggande begrepp inom kryptologi; vad kryptologi, kryptografi, kryptoganalys, klartext, kryptogram, kryptering,dekryptering, forcering, algoritm, nyckel, offentlig nyckel, privat nyckel, certifikat och PKI samt hash funktioner.  Relaterade Video: Kryptologi Grundläggande begrepp inom kryptologi : Ep.1 Klick här för att se samma video på Rumble istället Klick här för att…

Network Infrastructure Components
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Network Infrastructure Components

Hi everyone! In this section, we are going to learn the following concept related to network infrastructure components with the help of an analogy to help us understand the concept relative easy: The concept of End devices, intermediary devices and the network media.  Enjoy learning 🙂 Related Video: Network infrastructure components Network infrastructure components overview…

ls Command with Argument
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ls Command with Argument

Hi everyone! The ls command can be enhanced by specifying arguments, which are paths to directories or files you wish to list. This allows for more targeted and efficient listing of contents. Related Video: ls Command Comprehensive Guide to using ls command with Argument Click here to see the same video on Rumble instead…

Understand the ls Command
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Understand the ls Command

Hi everyone! The ls command in Linux is used to list the contents of directories. By providing arguments to the ls command, you can specify which directories or files you want to list. This guide will explain what it means to use arguments with ls, how to use them, how they work, when they work,…

Introduction to Malware
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Introduction to Malware

Hi everyone! Here your are going to learn the following; what is Malware?, Why is Malware a problem in cybersecurity?, Why is Malware deployed?, Malware functionality, Malware classification, some common symptoms of Malware infection, some common obfuscation methods used by Malware.  Related Video: Malware Introduction to Malware in Cybersecurity Click here to see the…

How to protect against DoS & DDoS Attacks
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How to protect against DoS & DDoS Attacks

Hi everyone! Here you are going to learn how to protect your device/devices from being used or to facilitate the DDoS Attack. The Attacker may use the DoS and DDoS as a smoke screen. The signs that may indicate that your device may be part of a Botnet. Measures to detect Botnet infections. What to…